How Do I Pass JSON to a Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM Command?
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How Do I Pass JSON to a Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM Command?

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Are you stuck trying to figure out how to pass JSON data to a Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This article will guide you through the process step-by-step, making it easy for you to pass JSON data to Postgres and get on with your data analysis.

What is the Postgres COPY Command?

The Postgres COPY command is a powerful tool that allows you to easily import and export data between Postgres and an external file or program. The COPY command is often used to load large amounts of data into Postgres, and it’s also useful for exporting data from Postgres to a file or program for further processing.


The COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command is a variant of the COPY command that allows you to read data from a program rather than a file. This is useful when you need to generate data on the fly or when you need to pass data from an external source to Postgres.

Passing JSON Data to the COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM Command

So, how do you pass JSON data to the COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command? The short answer is that you need to create a program that generates the JSON data and pipes it to the Postgres COPY command. But don’t worry, it’s easier than it sounds!

Step 1: Create a Program to Generate JSON Data

The first step is to create a program that generates the JSON data you want to pass to Postgres. This can be a simple script written in a language like Python or Node.js, or it can be a more complex program that generates the JSON data dynamically.

For example, let’s say you want to generate a JSON object that contains a list of names and ages. You could use a Python script like this:

import json
import sys

data = [
    {"name": "John", "age": 30},
    {"name": "Jane", "age": 25},
    {"name": "Bob", "age": 40}

json_data = json.dumps(data)

This script generates a JSON object that contains a list of three objects, each with a “name” and “age” property. The script uses the `json` module to convert the Python data structure to a JSON string, and then it prints the JSON string to the console.

Step 2: Pipe the JSON Data to Postgres

The next step is to pipe the JSON data to the Postgres COPY command. You can do this by running the Python script and piping the output to the Postgres command-line tool, `psql`.

Here’s an example of how you could do this:

python | psql -d mydatabase -c "COPY tmp FROM PROGRAM 'cat'"

In this example, the `` script generates the JSON data and pipes it to the `psql` command. The `psql` command runs the COPY command to import the JSON data into a temporary table called `tmp`.

Step 3: Load the JSON Data into a Postgres Table

Once you’ve imported the JSON data into the temporary table, you can load it into a permanent table using a SQL command like this:

INSERT INTO mytable (name, age)
SELECT name, age
FROM tmp;

This command loads the data from the temporary table `tmp` into a permanent table called `mytable`. The `name` and `age` columns are specified explicitly to match the columns in the JSON data.

Tips and Variations

Here are a few tips and variations to keep in mind when passing JSON data to the Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command:

Handling Large Datasets

If you’re dealing with a large dataset, you may want to use a more efficient method to generate the JSON data. For example, you could use a streaming JSON generator that generates the data in chunks, rather than loading the entire dataset into memory.

Handling Complex JSON Data

If your JSON data is complex and has nested structures or arrays, you may need to use a more sophisticated method to load it into Postgres. For example, you could use a JSON parsing library to extract the data from the JSON object and load it into separate tables.

Using Other Programming Languages

While the example above uses Python, you can use any programming language to generate the JSON data and pipe it to Postgres. For example, you could use Node.js, Ruby, or Java to generate the JSON data and pass it to Postgres.

Common Errors and Troubleshooting

Here are a few common errors you may encounter when passing JSON data to the Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command:

Error: invalid input syntax for type json

This error occurs when the JSON data is not valid or is not in the correct format. Make sure to verify the JSON data using a tool like `jq` or a JSON validator.

Error: could not read from program “cat”: Connection timed out

This error occurs when the program generating the JSON data takes too long to execute or times out. Make sure to verify that the program is functioning correctly and that it’s not timing out.

Error: COPY command cannot read from a program in a transaction block

This error occurs when you try to execute the COPY command inside a transaction block. Make sure to execute the COPY command outside of a transaction block, or use a different method to load the data into Postgres.


Passing JSON data to the Postgres COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM command is a powerful way to load data into Postgres, especially when working with large datasets or complex data structures. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to pass JSON data to Postgres with ease. Remember to troubleshoot common errors and experiment with different approaches to optimize your data loading process.

Command Description
COPY TMP FROM PROGRAM ‘cat’ Copies data from a program to a temporary table called TMP
INSERT INTO mytable (name, age) SELECT name, age FROM tmp; Loads data from the temporary table TMP into a permanent table called mytable
  1. Create a program to generate JSON data
  2. Pipe the JSON data to the Postgres COPY command
  3. Load the JSON data into a Postgres table
  • Use a streaming JSON generator for large datasets
  • Use a JSON parsing library for complex JSON data
  • Use a different programming language to generate the JSON data

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck trying to pass JSON data to a Postgres COPY command? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you out.

What’s the general syntax for passing JSON data to a Postgres COPY command?

The general syntax is `COPY tmp FROM PROGRAM ‘json_fdw -j -‘` where `tmp` is the name of the table you want to copy data into, `PROGRAM` specifies that you’re providing a program to generate the data, and `json_fdw -j -` is the command that reads JSON data from the standard input.

How do I generate the JSON data to pass to the COPY command?

You can generate the JSON data using a programming language like Python or Node.js. For example, in Python, you can use the `json` module to create a JSON string and then pipe it to the COPY command. In Node.js, you can use the `fs` module to write the JSON data to a file and then use the `child_process` module to execute the COPY command.

What’s the purpose of the `-j` flag in the `json_fdw` command?

The `-j` flag tells `json_fdw` to expect JSON input. It’s required to specify the format of the input data, which in this case is JSON.

Can I use a JSON file instead of generating JSON data on the fly?

Yes, you can use a JSON file instead of generating JSON data on the fly. Simply specify the file path as the argument to the `json_fdw` command, like this: `COPY tmp FROM PROGRAM ‘json_fdw -j /path/to/json/file.json’`.

What are some common errors to watch out for when passing JSON data to a Postgres COPY command?

Some common errors to watch out for include malformed JSON data, mismatched column types, and permissions issues. Make sure to check the Postgres logs for any error messages and double-check your JSON data and COPY command syntax.