Aggregation vs Composition : Thinking at object level or class level
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Aggregation vs Composition : Thinking at object level or class level

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Have you ever wondered how to design your classes and objects to effectively represent complex relationships? Do you find yourself confusing between aggregation and composition? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of object-oriented programming and uncover the secrets of aggregation and composition.

What’s the big deal about Aggregation and Composition?

In object-oriented programming, we create classes and objects to model real-world scenarios. These classes and objects interact with each other to achieve a specific goal. However, as the complexity of the system grows, so does the number of relationships between objects. This is where aggregation and composition come into play.

Aggregation and composition are two fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming that help us design and implement complex relationships between objects. They enable us to create objects that are composed of other objects or collections of objects, allowing us to model complex systems in a more efficient and effective manner.

Aggregation : The “has-a” Relationship

Aggregation is a relationship where one object (the container) contains a collection of other objects or references to other objects. The contained objects are not complete without the container, but they can exist independently.

  • A university has departments.
  • A department has students.
  • A student has courses.

In the above example, the university is an aggregate of departments, a department is an aggregate of students, and a student is an aggregate of courses. Each of these objects can exist independently, but they are related to each other through aggregation.

Composition : The “part-of” Relationship

Composition is a relationship where one object (the container) contains other objects or references to other objects, and the contained objects cannot exist independently. The contained objects are an integral part of the container.

  • A car has wheels.
  • A wheel has a tire.
  • A tire has a rim.

In the above example, a car is composed of wheels, a wheel is composed of a tire, and a tire is composed of a rim. Each of these objects cannot exist independently, and their existence is tied to the container object.

Key Differences between Aggregation and Composition

Characteristic Aggregation Composition
Relationship Type Has-a Part-of
Object Independence Objects can exist independently Objects cannot exist independently
Object Lifetime Objects have separate lifetimes Objects have the same lifetime as the container
Container-Contained Relationship Container contains a reference to the contained object Container contains the actual contained object

Designing with Aggregation and Composition

Now that we’ve covered the basics of aggregation and composition, let’s dive into some design principles to help you create effective objects and classes.

Identify the Relationship Type

When designing your classes and objects, identify the type of relationship between them. Ask yourself:

  • Is it a “has-a” relationship? (Aggregation)
  • Is it a “part-of” relationship? (Composition)

Keep it Simple and Focused

Keep your classes and objects simple and focused on a specific task. Avoid creating complex objects that perform multiple, unrelated tasks.

Use Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Use interfaces and abstract classes to define the contract and behavior of your objects. This allows for flexibility and polymorphism in your design.

Polymorphism and Inheritance

Use polymorphism and inheritance to create complex objects that can adapt to different scenarios. This enables you to write more flexible and reusable code.

Encapsulation and Abstraction

Use encapsulation and abstraction to hide the implementation details of your objects and expose only the necessary information to the outside world.

Best Practices for Aggregation and Composition

Aggregation Best Practices

When using aggregation, follow these best practices:

  • Use a container class to manage the collection of objects.
  • Use a weak reference to the contained objects to avoid strong coupling.
  • Implement methods to add, remove, and iterate over the contained objects.

Composition Best Practices

When using composition, follow these best practices:

  • Use a single class to manage the composition of objects.
  • Use a strong reference to the contained objects to ensure they exist as long as the container exists.
  • Implement methods to create, delete, and access the contained objects.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid


Avoid over-aggregation by creating complex objects that contain too many other objects. This can lead to tight coupling and decreased flexibility.


Avoid over-composition by creating objects that are too closely tied to their container. This can lead to inflexibility and decreased reusability.

Tight Coupling

Avoid tight coupling by using interfaces and abstract classes to define the contract and behavior of your objects.

God Objects

Avoid creating “god objects” that contain too much logic and functionality. Break down your objects into smaller, more focused classes.


In conclusion, aggregation and composition are powerful tools in object-oriented programming that enable us to model complex relationships between objects. By understanding the differences between aggregation and composition, and following best practices for each, you can create more effective and efficient designs. Remember to keep it simple, focused, and flexible, and avoid common pitfalls like over-aggregation, over-composition, tight coupling, and god objects.

Code Example

// Aggregation Example
public class University {
  private List<Department> departments;

  public University() {
    departments = new ArrayList<>();

  public void addDepartment(Department department) {

  public void removeDepartment(Department department) {

public class Department {
  private String name;

  public Department(String name) { = name;

// Composition Example
public class Car {
  private Wheel[] wheels;

  public Car() {
    wheels = new Wheel[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      wheels[i] = new Wheel();

  public void replaceWheel(Wheel wheel, int index) {
    wheels[index] = wheel;

public class Wheel {
  private Tire tire;

  public Wheel() {
    tire = new Tire();

By following the principles and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating effective and efficient designs that utilize aggregation and composition to model complex relationships between objects.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your object-oriented programming game with these frequently asked questions about aggregation vs composition!

What’s the main difference between aggregation and composition?

Aggregation is a relationship between objects where one object contains a collection of other objects, but the contained objects can exist independently. Composition, on the other hand, is a relationship where the contained objects cannot exist without the container object. Think of it like a university and its departments – the university can exist without a particular department, but the department cannot exist without the university.

How do I decide whether to use aggregation or composition in my design?

Ask yourself whether the contained objects can exist independently of the container. If they can, aggregation might be the way to go. If not, composition is likely a better fit. Also, consider the lifecycle of the objects – if the contained objects are created and destroyed along with the container, composition is a good choice.

Can you give an example of aggregation in real life?

Think of a library and its books. The library contains a collection of books, but the books can exist independently of the library. You can take a book out of the library, and it still remains a book. This is an example of aggregation!

What’s the benefit of using composition over aggregation?

Composition provides stronger encapsulation and a clearer relationship between objects. It also makes it easier to manage the lifecycle of the contained objects, as they are created and destroyed along with the container. This can lead to fewer bugs and a more maintainable design!

How does this relate to thinking at the object level vs class level?

When designing relationships between objects, you need to think at the object level – focusing on the individual objects and their interactions. Composition and aggregation help you model these relationships effectively. However, when defining the structure and behavior of classes, you need to think at the class level – focusing on the blueprints for creating objects. By considering both object-level and class-level perspectives, you’ll create a more robust and maintainable design!