Demystifying the Dreaded “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” When Training PyTorch Models on GPU with MPS
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Demystifying the Dreaded “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” When Training PyTorch Models on GPU with MPS

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” when training your PyTorch model on a GPU with Metal Performance Shader (MPS)? You’re not alone! This pesky error has been the bane of many a deep learning enthusiast’s existence. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to delve into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious with a comprehensive guide to resolving this problem once and for all.

What’s Causing the Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning?

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the root cause of the problem. The “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” typically occurs when your PyTorch model attempts to access memory that’s not allocated or is protected. This can happen due to various reasons, including:

  • Incompatible GPU architecture or outdated drivers
  • Insufficient GPU memory or resource constraints
  • PyTorch version or MPS incompatibility issues
  • Incorrect model architecture or configuration
  • Resource-intensive operations or tensor sizes

Verifying Your System Configuration

Before we proceed, ensure your system meets the minimum requirements for PyTorch and MPS:

  1. GPU Compatibility: Verify that your GPU is compatible with PyTorch and MPS. You can check the official PyTorch documentation for supported GPUs.
  2. 驱动程序 Updates: Ensure your GPU drivers are up-to-date. You can check for updates using the following command:

This command will display your NVIDIA driver version. Update your drivers to the latest version if necessary.

Checking PyTorch and MPS Versions

Verify that you’re using compatible versions of PyTorch and MPS:

pip show torch

Check the version of PyTorch installed on your system. Ensure it’s compatible with MPS. You can check the PyTorch documentation for MPS-compatible versions.

Troubleshooting Steps

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the troubleshooting steps to resolve the “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning”:

Step 1: Reduce Model Complexity

Try reducing the complexity of your PyTorch model by:

  • Decreasing the number of layers or neurons
  • Reducing the batch size
  • Using smaller input tensor sizes

This will help reduce the memory requirements and alleviate resource constraints.

Step 2: Optimize Model Configuration

Optimize your model configuration by:

  • Using the `torch.backends.mps` backend instead of `torch.backends.cuda`
  • Setting `torch.cuda.amp.enabled` to `True` for mixed precision training
  • Enabling memory profiling using `torch.cuda.memory_info()`

These optimizations can help reduce memory usage and enable more efficient resource allocation.

Step 3: Allocate Sufficient GPU Memory

Ensure sufficient GPU memory is allocated by:

  • Monitoring GPU memory usage using `nvidia-smi` or `torch.cuda.memory_info()`
  • Setting `torch.cuda.max_allocated_bytes` to allocate sufficient memory
  • Implementing memory-efficient data loaders and batch processing

By allocating sufficient GPU memory, you can reduce the likelihood of memory-related errors.

Step 4: Update PyTorch and MPS

Ensure you’re using the latest versions of PyTorch and MPS:

pip install --upgrade torch

Update PyTorch to the latest version. Also, ensure MPS is updated to the latest version compatible with your PyTorch version.

Step 5: Disable MPS Resource Tracking

As a last resort, you can disable MPS resource tracking by setting the following environment variable:


This will disable resource tracking, allowing your model to train without the “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning”. However, keep in mind that this may impact the performance and stability of your model.


In conclusion, the “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” when training PyTorch models on a GPU with MPS can be resolved by following these comprehensive troubleshooting steps. By verifying your system configuration, reducing model complexity, optimizing model configuration, allocating sufficient GPU memory, updating PyTorch and MPS, and disabling MPS resource tracking (if necessary), you’ll be well on your way to resolving this frustrating error.

Remember to stay vigilant and monitor your system’s performance to ensure optimal training and inference. Happy deep learning!

Troubleshooting Step Description
Step 1: Reduce Model Complexity Reduce model complexity to alleviate resource constraints
Step 2: Optimize Model Configuration Optimize model configuration for MPS compatibility and memory efficiency
Step 3: Allocate Sufficient GPU Memory Ensure sufficient GPU memory allocation to reduce memory-related errors
Step 4: Update PyTorch and MPS Update PyTorch and MPS to the latest versions for compatibility and bug fixes
Step 5: Disable MPS Resource Tracking Disable MPS resource tracking as a last resort to resolve the error

By following these troubleshooting steps, you’ll be well-equipped to resolve the “Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning” and get back to training your PyTorch model on a GPU with MPS.

Frequently Asked Question


What is a Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning in PyTorch?

A Bus Error occurs when PyTorch tries to access memory that is not mapped or is not valid, resulting in a program crash. Resource Tracker Warning, on the other hand, is a warning that indicates that the GPU is running low on memory, causing performance issues. Both errors are often seen when training PyTorch models on GPU with MPS (Metal Performance Shader) enabled.

Why do I get a Bus Error when training my PyTorch model on GPU with MPS?

This error can occur due to various reasons such as incorrect tensor allocation, invalid memory access, or inadequate GPU resources. To troubleshoot, try reducing the batch size, disabling MPS, or using the `torch.cuda.empty_cache()` function to free up GPU memory.

How do I fix the Resource Tracker Warning when training my PyTorch model on GPU with MPS?

To fix this warning, try reducing the batch size, decreasing the model’s complexity, or using model parallelism to distribute the model across multiple GPUs. Additionally, ensure that your GPU has sufficient memory and that you’re not running other memory-intensive applications in the background.

Can I ignore the Bus Error and Resource Tracker Warning when training my PyTorch model on GPU with MPS?

NO! Ignoring these warnings can lead to program crashes, data corruption, or inaccurate model training results. It’s essential to address these warnings by troubleshooting and optimizing your code to ensure stable and efficient model training.

What are some best practices to avoid Bus Errors and Resource Tracker Warnings when training PyTorch models on GPU with MPS?

Some best practices include using `torch.cudaempty_cache()` regularly, reducing batch size, enabling GPU memory profiling, and implementing model parallelism. Additionally, ensure your GPU driver is up-to-date, and your system has sufficient resources to handle the training process.

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